Bienvenidos a esta suerte de Diario o cuaderno de Actualizaciones...He empezado colgando cosas antiguas pero que han sido importantes en mi portafolio a lo largo del tiempo y poco a poco llegare a la actualidad donde ire subiendo cosas propias y trabajos segun vaya terminando estos. Comentarios son bienvenidos, y si alguien quiere hacerme algun encargo, aqui estoy!!

martes, 27 de mayo de 2008


Well, these were the first comic pages I made for Marvel, in 2000,the first and only submission I finally sent them, and the only I got an answer from. Yeah, this is one of those moments in my life I could have change my destiny...and I failed. they answered, they sent me back another test, and I never finished it, and never sent it. So I guess that´s why, 8 years later, I am still not working for Marvel. One day I will write my book: HOW TO "NOT" BECOME A COMIC ARTIST

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